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This Document is the responsible to open the Opportunity Door

It is Important to Pay Attention to:

Vocabulary Enhancement     Grammar     Punctuation     Sentence Structure

The first thing the employers will need before scheduling an Interview is your resume considering that it is only one opportunity for a first impression, it is essential that you make the right first impression. Choose a professional font size eleven or twelve   Times New Roman is the classic serif font, while Arial and Calibri are two of the better choices for sans-serif.
Many Employers find that Times New Roman is a little difficult to read. If you are submitting your resume via email, consider using Georgia preferably for a more readable serif font.
You can use various fonts for different sections of your resume, but try to use no more than two. It may be a good Idea to italicizing those particular selections. The font size for your header and the introduction to a section may be between fourteen and sixteen
Professional Resumes should always be printed in black ink and never include your Picture, Social Security number or your Date of Birth.


Resume 1 Resume 2 Resume 3


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